Voter ID

Student Voter-Compliant ID

If you are a U.S. citizen, will be 18 years of age on or before Election Day and have resided in Wisconsin for at least 28 consecutive days before Election Day, you may be eligible to vote in Wisconsin.

Acceptable forms of identification to vote include a valid Wisconsin driver license, Wisconsin state ID, U.S. passport, U.S. Uniformed Services card, Veterans Affairs ID, tribal ID or Certificate of Naturalization. The Wiscard or an out-of-state driver license are not valid as a voter ID.

Students without one of the forms of ID listed above, can obtain a voter-compliant ID card free of charge and present this ID at the polls. The card can be used regardless of the expiration date printed on the card. However, if the expiration date has passed, when you vote you will also need to present a Voter Enrollment Verification letter to the poll worker on a cell phone or other electronic device.  A printed copy of the enrollment verification letter will also be accepted. The card is valid for voting purposes regardless of the expiration date printed on the card, as long as the card-holder is enrolled at UW-Madison.

You can obtain the free UW-Madison voter-compliant ID by visiting the Wiscard office during normal hours of operation or by requesting an electronic voter ID.

Visit the campus Voter Information site for more information, including how to register to vote and polling locations.